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Kindergarten Artwork

Broadway Boogie-Woogie

Broadway Boogie-Woogie

In this lesson, Kindergarten students observed the piece titled, Broadway Boogie-Woogie, by Piet Mondrian. Students talked about how the piece reminded them of roads, buildings, even the school. In this lesson Kindergarten students learned about the three Primary Colors (Red, Yellow, Blue), Shape (how to cut squares), Pattern, and Printing by using black paint and cardboard.

Monet Water Lillies

In this lesson, kindergarten students learned about the cool colors: green, blue, and purple. Using liquid watercolors, kindergarteners observed how colors blend, creating new colors. Next, the students cut out one small, medium, and large circle. By making a small triangular cut out of the side of each circle, and the addition of crumpled tissue paper, students transformed thier cool color paper into a Monet inspired lily pond.

Printing Calico Corn

In this lesson Kindergarten students learned about calico corn and how it gets its unique colors. Through printmaking, students created a kernel-like texture using bubble wrap and paint.

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